Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My In-Loves

I've heard people occasionally and affectionately replace the term "in-laws" with "in-loves" because it was love that brought the families together, not just law.

Meh.... Kinda cheesy if you ask me.

At least that's how I used to feel. However, before we were even married, I've liked Jon's family. Although this post will be mostly about his parents, I also love his sisters and his niece and nephew. I'm blessed that I get to claim them all now too :)

I have friends whose in-laws are not very nice people. I have friends whose in-laws weren't accepting of them. I have friends whose in-laws are drama drama drama.

Not mine.

On Sunday, June 16th, we celebrated Father's Day (also our First Anniversary :) but more on that later) After church, the family got together at Jon's parents house and Dan (Jon's dad) grilled out some yummy steaks and his mom made baked potatoes, Mac and cheese, and other lunch time yumminess.

Then we let Dan open his presents and cards. He got an Otter Box for his phone (which was already cracked... He's a little clumsy) ;) He also got lots of Whoppers (the candy, not the burger), and a new golf bag!

As he was opening presents and reading cards, I got to thinking. If you know me very well, you probably know that I'm not very comfortable with expressing my feelings vocally. Aca-awkward.

But as I sat there I thought "I should have given him my own card instead of just signing the one from Jon and me. I'd tell him how thankful I am for him. I'd tell him how rare it is to have a father like him and how truly blessed his wife and kids and grand kids are. I'd tell him that if it wasn't for him, Jon wouldn't be the man he is, and if he wasn't the man he is I wouldn't have married him. I'd tell him thank you for raising the perfect man for me. Thank you for spending time with him and showing him how a man acts. Thank you for investing in him and being involved." I still kinda wish I'd written my own card. Maybe next year :)


Back to our First Anniversary... it was also Sunday the 16th. One whole year baby, whoo hoo!!

You know that tradition where you eat the top tier of your wedding cake on your first anniversary? Well we were totally planning on doing that, but we knew we'd be driving for two days during our move to Florida. So we took our little wedding cake tier that was sealed up nice and tight, and we put it in a cooler. We put ice in the cooler so that the icing wouldn't melt and the cake would stay nice and yummy. Once at a gas station about half way through, I checked on the cake and it still looked scrumptious and pretty. We put fresh ice in the cooler and figured it'd be good the rest of the trip.

Well.. We get to St Pete and start unpacking. We open up the cooler to discover that the ice had mostly melted. I didn't think much of it until I pulled out the container that held the cake... And it had water in it. Upon further investigation, we discovered a good portion of the icing had fallen off and the cake had soaked up water like a sponge. Sad sad sad!!!

I was just going to go ahead and forget about the tradition, but two days before our anniversary I got really bummed that we wouldn't have any wedding cake to eat. So I used this handy dandy website called "google" and found a local bakery. I asked them to make us just a Plain-white-top-tier-of-the-wedding-cake Cake and they happily obliged. We picked up the cake the next day and it was so cute! I was happy that we'd at least have some kind of cake to eat.

So the next day, we go over to my in-laws for the steaks and Father's Day fun. Of course it's our anniversary, but I didn't really expect that occasion to get much attention because it was Father's Day. But the next thing I know, Pam (Jon's mom) pulls out this little box, hands it to us, and says "happy anniversary!"

The box was from a little bakery. The top tier of a wedding cake. Decorated with our wedding colors. And it said "Happy 1st Anniversary".

How. Freakin. Sweet.

So we ended up getting to cut our little wedding cake and share it with our family on our First Anniversary. Perfection :) and the other cake? Um we ate that one as well. Can't have too much cake, right?!

I seriously got teary eyed and I don't like people to see me cry... But honestly. How thoughtful is that? How considerate? I hadn't even told her that I wanted a replacement. She seriously just put herself in my shoes, felt the disappointment I felt, and took it upon herself to get us the cake. And on Father's Day! It was not supposed to be our day! But that's honestly the kind of people they are. Selfless. Thoughtful. Considerate.

And now when I use the term "in-laws" it sounds distant, kinda cold and void of emotion or relationship. Yucky.

So... I forever will consider them my in-loves. Because it's true, it's not just a law that binds us together and makes us family. It's not a law that makes Dan a fun, devoted father. It's not a law that makes Pam sweet and thoughtful. It's love. Now.... will I go around calling them my "in-loves" all the live-long day? Ehh... It's still a little cheesetastic. But just so you know, that's how I feel and I'll call them that in my head ;)

Anyone else love their in laws? Anyone have any fun stories of hatred towards their in laws? Just kidding... But if you do, please share ;)

Thanks for reading.

Have a wonderful day.


  1. Catelyn you are so cute and I love reading your blog! I am glad that you have a good relationship with your "in-loves" :) that always makes life so much easier lol. And I don't think "in-loves" is cheesy! It might be if someone dorky said it but you are cool enough to carry it haha! Keep on writing I enjoy it! Glad you all are doing good in Florida!

    1. Aww thank you Lindsay! I dont really know how everything works yet, but Is there a way I can "follow" you or something? That may be a dumb question but I'm trying to figure out this blogging thing! :) Thanks for your sweet comment!
