Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Half-full Penske Truck

Two weeks ago, Jon and I packed up everything we own and stuffed it into a Penske truck.... Ok maybe it wasn't exactly "stuffed"... Maybe it was only about half full. But we're newlywed/college kids so we're not SUPPOSED to own a lot... right?! All of our property was either given to us, found on ebay, or bought from a flea market. And we have approximately 4 large pieces of furniture. But anyway.

Please excuse my greasy hair and lack of make-up!

Thus began our two day drive to Florida. My mom and two youngest brothers helped us out by driving one of our cars the whole way, and we towed the other car. Jon and I were in the Penske truck passing the time with music, eating, the alphabet game, etc. Oh and selfies. Can't forget about the ever-entertaining selfies :)

We stayed in a motel over night and continued driving the next day. We finally arrived in St Pete, Florida on Wednesday night. It took us a few tries to find the house in which we're staying, but once we did, it was time to unpack.

My mom and brothers were staying for 10 more days, so we turned it into a family vacation of sorts!

We went to the beach. My mom and I may or may not have a strange obsession with palm trees.

We got to meet cutie pie, Grayson Carmichael.

Hung out at WonderWorks in Orlando.

Mom and I got our hair did ;)

She's a hottie.

And we went in-shore fishing! I caught 5 fish, more than anyone else that day. Just sayin ;) 2 trout, a mackerel, a catfish, and a ladyfish.

Then it was time to drop them off at the airport. I cried, mom cried, brothers stoically said "see ya". Hugs. Tears. Good byes.

And then I was alone. Of course I have my amazing husband, for whom I'm incredibly thankful. But the realization that I was 22 hours away from my friends and family was a little overwhelming. I don't have friends here yet. I don't know the streets. I don't even know how to get to church or my gym. I'm not longer able to drive two hours if I decide on a whim that I want to see my mom or friends. Everything is foreign.

But guess what.

I'm so incredibly blessed. If you don't know already, the reason why we moved to Florida is because my husband accepted a full time position as a youth pastor. Anyone who knows me well knows that I have wanted, dreamed about, and prayed since I was 16 years old that God would put me in a ministry position. Now we're here. We're doing it. I'm terrified and excited and anxious and thankful. I hope I connect with the youth girls. I hope I'm a good example. I hope I make good friends. I hope I hope I hope!

Anywho. Those are my thought as of late.

Thanks for reading :)

Have a wonderful day.


  1. Catelyn, you are an amazing, fun, energetic, beautiful, loving person. You will make friends quickly and they will get plenty of laughs with you! I know you will also be a great example to those girls and you will be able to connect with them in many ways. Keep your head up and keep praying.

  2. Michelle! You just made my day, thank you for the encouragement. Love you, friend.
