Sunday, December 31, 2000

Our Group

So my best friend, Allie (take a look at her fun blog!) pointed out to me, as good friends do, that I suck at this blogging thing. Don't worry, she was nicer about it than that ;)

I often think about wanting to update it, then I can't think of anything interesting to say. But Allie pointed out to me that in a few years, I'll love being able to come back and read what my life was like at this time. Things can change very quickly and I know if I don't document the way things are now, I'll regret it.

Enter: belated blog post.

I'm going to dedicate this post to our youth group. When I was in high school, I basically knew for sure that I'd be in youth ministry one day. For real. Ask my mom, youth pastors wife, high school friends. They'd all tell you it's true. Jon and I admit that most people wouldn't consider working with teenagers a super "ambitious" goal. But it was my goal, and it was Jon's goal. Now that we are living it out, we are sure that this is what God wants us to be doing. We're living out our dream, and as ordinary as it may seem to some, it honestly feels amazing and I'm very aware of how blessed we are :)

Jon and I are in youth ministry at Park street baptist church here in St Pete. Our youth group is called "the refuge". Jon has officially been the youth pastor for about 5 months now. What an adventure it has been!

We have crazy boys that I've grown to love. Jon calls them out on stuff every now and then and they're always respectful. I'm really excited to spend the next several years here and see what kind of young men they grow into :) cuties!

The girls came over to our house for a sleepover last month. They introduced me to "ooga booga", we played games, watched movies, ate. Ate. And ate. Loooove these girls.

Sweet Jason spilled my Pepsi one night at church, so he bought me a two liter the next Wednesday :) ps thanks for the photobomb, Steven.

We have SNL every Sunday night ("Sunday Night Live") where we get together, have a devotion, and then play volleyball, kickball, go bowling, etc. Always a fun time and usually no injuries ;) Here's some of the group at the bowling alley.

We had a blast at the Halloween party! These people were quite creative.

Recently, we had everyone over for a cookout, s'mores, and a movie. They were a lot of fun to be around and nobody broke anything in my house ;)

We also get to go to lots of school and sporting events. Volleyball games, school musicals, basketball, football, soccer. They keep us busy ;)

Just in the last few weeks, I'm really starting to feel like this is OUR youth group, and we are so blessed to be able to invest in these teens. We're not going anywhere, so y'all better get used to us ;)

Thanks for reading :)

Have a wonderful day.


  1. It's true folks, youth is her passion!
    I am so proud of you Catelyn! God is using you in a wonderful way.
    What is "ooga booga"

  2. Allie Ooga Booga is really hard to explain but its basically a big prank. Remind me to tell you about it when I see you in May!! I would tell you here but it's probably impossible :)
