Tuesday, July 16, 2013


So my husband and I have officially taken over the youth group at Park Street Baptist Church, and this last week we went to our first church camp with the group.


It was a great week. We had 2 students from our group accept Jesus into their lives: Dylan and Shannon.

I had about a 20 minute conversation with Shannon before service on Thursday night. She was asking questions, and I was doing my best to answer them. Then it was time to go to service so our conversation was cut short.

The ENTIRE service, I was so anxious. I kept catching myself staring at the back of Shannon's head, pleading with God to soften her heart. My stomach hurt, my face was hot, I felt nauseous. It was like I was getting beat up by the Holy Spirit.

Finally, the speaker (Aaron Cavin) ended his message and asked everyone to stand. As soon as they did, Shannon turned around, made eye contact with me, and started walking towards me. My heart leaped.

Then I got the awesome opportunity to pray with her as she accepted Jesus. Amazing.

So that was definitely the highlight of my week, but the rest of our time at camp was a blast too! I really got to know the girls and I can honestly say I made some sort of connection with almost all of them. Look at these cuties.

We were split up into 4 teams. Our group was part of the green team... Aaannnndd we ended up in 3rd place out of 4. Haha. But it was fun playing all kinds of crazy games.

It's seriously a dream come true to be able to do ministry with my husband. I feel so blessed. God has put us in a great youth ministry, and in tropical, beautiful St Pete, Florida to boot!

Speaking of Florida, we live in an area that is almost completely surrounded by beaches, so we get a nice sea breeze all the time. But our camp was near the middle of Florida.

Florida heat + no ocean breeze = HUMID. And my hair and humidity are best buds. They love to get together and have wild and crazy parties. So... Here's a little gift, from me to you..

Thanks for reading :)

Have a wonderful day.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Rules for Mommyhood

Although Jon and I know it will be a couple more years before we start trying to have little baby Jeffers, we have discussed what kind of parents we'll be.

I have several things that I've said for many years that I will NEVER do as a mom and things I will ALWAYS do as a mom. But as I've gotten a little older and a few of my friends have started having babies, I've learned that things are not going to be as structured and simple as my feeble mind may have thought.

So... I've compiled a list of things that I've said in the past that I, as a mom, or my children will never or always do.

I'll probably look at this one day and laugh at my ignorant self :) and that's the purpose of this post. So I can look back years from now and say "HAHA... Pre-mom Catelyn was such an idiot". It'll be great.

Rule #1- Never a minivan will I drive. I don't care how spacious they are or how convenient it is to have automatic slide-y doors. They're just not cute and I don't want one!

Rule #2- My kids will never throw fits in public. They'll know better! I don't know how they'll know better but they just will, ok?

Rule #3- My kids will only be allowed to watch TV or play video games for one hour a day. The rest the day, they will be outside. Building forts, playing in the mud, and having adventures. And I'll, of course, be out there with them because they need supervision. And the house will automatically clean itself and dinner will make itself. Obviously.

Rule #4- My kids will only have enough toys to fit in their own toy box. If the toy box starts overflowing, it's time to purge. And they'll be ok with that cuz kids can't possibly be attached to EVERY toy they own... Right?

Rule #5- I won't sugar coat it when my kid doesn't make the basketball team. I won't go talk to the coach and complain, I won't tell my kid "Oh it's all just politics! So unfair!" I'll tell him or her that disappointment happens, and you just need to practice more and try again next year. And I'll keep my composure and I won't crumble to the floor like a baby when I see the disappointment in their sweet face... Ok I'm tearing up now. On to the next rule.

Rule #6- Crafts! We will do crafts all the time. I won't dictate how their crafts should turn out because I want their imaginations to run wild... along with the finger paints and glitter glue. And my house will still stay clean, hooray!!

Rule #7- I will have a delicious meal ready for my hard working hubby whenever he gets home from work. How will I do this when I'm playing outside, making crafts, and my kids aren't allowed to watch TV all the live long day, you ask? Well, um... Hmm...... On to the next rule!

Rule #8- I will not force my kid to eat vegetables. I was forced to eat vegetables as a child... And guess what mom! I still hate em! They're gross! And yeah, when my kid goes to a friends house whose mom has made sautéed spinach, he'll probably say "Ew gross, that stuff looks disgusting!" And will I be embarrassed? Yes. Yes I will be.

Rule #9- I will never put my child on one of those backpack leash things. Kids are not animals. So what if I'm on a walk with the dog and all seven of my children and the 2 year old gets away? And he grows up in the wilderness and he's found years later and they make a movie about him. That's a cool story, people!

Rule #10- My kids will know unconditional love. And they'll know they have plenty of it. From me, from their daddy, from our families, and from Jesus. That one I'm sure about :)

Disclaimer: to any moms who might read this, please don't be offended. As you read this, you may think "what a little jerk! She has no idea what it's like!" And you're right! I don't! So a few years down the road, when I'm in a mini-van with little tvs in the back and driving around the block for hours letting my kids watch movie after movie just so I can have some PEACE AND QUIET..... You can make fun of me. I give you full permission to say: "See... Told you so."

Me as a baby... Just for fun :)

Thanks for reading :)

Have a wonderful day.