Tuesday, July 16, 2013


So my husband and I have officially taken over the youth group at Park Street Baptist Church, and this last week we went to our first church camp with the group.


It was a great week. We had 2 students from our group accept Jesus into their lives: Dylan and Shannon.

I had about a 20 minute conversation with Shannon before service on Thursday night. She was asking questions, and I was doing my best to answer them. Then it was time to go to service so our conversation was cut short.

The ENTIRE service, I was so anxious. I kept catching myself staring at the back of Shannon's head, pleading with God to soften her heart. My stomach hurt, my face was hot, I felt nauseous. It was like I was getting beat up by the Holy Spirit.

Finally, the speaker (Aaron Cavin) ended his message and asked everyone to stand. As soon as they did, Shannon turned around, made eye contact with me, and started walking towards me. My heart leaped.

Then I got the awesome opportunity to pray with her as she accepted Jesus. Amazing.

So that was definitely the highlight of my week, but the rest of our time at camp was a blast too! I really got to know the girls and I can honestly say I made some sort of connection with almost all of them. Look at these cuties.

We were split up into 4 teams. Our group was part of the green team... Aaannnndd we ended up in 3rd place out of 4. Haha. But it was fun playing all kinds of crazy games.

It's seriously a dream come true to be able to do ministry with my husband. I feel so blessed. God has put us in a great youth ministry, and in tropical, beautiful St Pete, Florida to boot!

Speaking of Florida, we live in an area that is almost completely surrounded by beaches, so we get a nice sea breeze all the time. But our camp was near the middle of Florida.

Florida heat + no ocean breeze = HUMID. And my hair and humidity are best buds. They love to get together and have wild and crazy parties. So... Here's a little gift, from me to you..

Thanks for reading :)

Have a wonderful day.

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