Thursday, August 8, 2013

Wifely Submission vs. Technology

I hate technology.

I like Instagram, and I like blogging. And I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook.

But I hate technology.

So yesterday, when my husband suggested that we have our tithe directly withdrawn every week, I wasn't happy. You see, I budget our money and make sure everything is getting paid on time. I have a handy little app on my phone that I update literally every day, and I can tell you right now how much we have and where it's going. Jon gets online and pays our tithe and cell phone once a month because those are both done on the computer, and I hate technology, remember?

So when he suggested the "directly withdrawn" thing for our tithe I thought "what?! That's just going to confuse me!" (You may be thinking "umm it's directly withdrawn. That LESS confusing." Well it's confusing to me, people!)

So I was ready to tell him that I'M in charge of budgeting and so I want to keep it the SAME!

But let's back track. Jon has had a rough week...

1) We were staying in a guest house, but it was only for the summer. So this week, we're moving to the church Missions apartment until we find a permanent place to live. A blessing! But oh how we loathe the packing and unpacking and repacking and not having a place to call our own.
2) Jon's car battery went ca-poot. His car wouldn't start, nor take a jump. So we had to deal with that.
3) I got a traffic ticket. I was giving some youth girls a ride home and none of us were wearing our seat belts. I'm ashamed and don't worry, my lesson has been learned.
4) Work is rough for him some days. Being a youth pastor means you're probably the youngest guy on staff, which means you do a good amount of physical work. Like putting up drywall and hanging projectors from 50 foot ceilings. Who'd uh thunk?
5) Once in a blue moon, there's a little issue where the church gets struck by lightening and it messes up the computers so you have no access to the lesson you had planned for the youth group, so you just gotta wing it. Yeah that happened to my hubby this week too.

So it got me thinking. I love my husband more than anything on this earth. I respect him, and I care about his feelings. Does he really need to face ALL THAT in his day and then come home to a wife that argues with him? Does he need a wife that doesn't trust that this "directly withdrawn" thing is a good idea? Wouldn't that make him feel like I don't trust HIM? And it's trusting someone part of respecting them? Is getting my way REALLY more important than just respecting him and adjusting the way I do things?

I decided that he's more important than that.

Now if you know me very well at all (ehem... Mom) you know that I'm pretty strong willed. I get set in my ways and form my opinions and when someone tries to change them, it's HARD for me to relinquish. I knew early on that I was not going to easily "submit" to the man that I'd someday marry. But you know what I'm learning?

Being submissive doesn't mean you don't have a voice. Notice that Jon SUGGESTED this idea. He didn't do it without telling me. He didn't say "this is what's happening, get over it". He wanted to discuss it. A good husband WANTS his wife's input. The submission part comes in when you realize that him feeling respected is more important than your stubborn, prideful ways.

And I'm learning :) I'm NOT perfect at it. I wouldn't even say I'm good at it, so don't get the wrong impression. I'm just saying this was a time when I thought about it and considered the big picture. And I think I'm becoming a bit wiser with each of these little experiences.

So I told Jon "Ok. I'll have to get used to it but I think that's a good idea". So he did it. And guess what, folks. That was good for us. I felt so much love for him, and from him.

Because we're a team. We're in this together. And when he's had a rough day or week or month, I'M his teammate. I'm his cheerleader. I'm always in his corner. I may not be able to change the big things or fix his problems, but I can love him, respect him, and yes... Submit to him... Yuck! ;)

Ephesians 5:21-22
"Submit yourselves to each other out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit to your husband as you do to The Lord."

Submission...It's a good thing people. I never thought it would be! But it is.

And I still hate technology.

Thanks for reading :)

Have a wonderful day.

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