Sunday, August 2, 2015

Third Trimester Woes

Jon and I decided to go off birth control over Thanksgiving break last year. For whatever reason, I assumed that after being on birth control for so long, it would take us anywhere from 6 months to a year to get pregnant. I figured we still had plenty of time to prepare... So imagine my surprise when 3 weeks later, we were pregnant! I know some people have a little more of a gap between ending prevention and getting pregnant, and I know a few couples that have struggled or are currently struggling with fertility issues, and I've seen how heart breaking those struggles can be. So I don't take it lightly that we ended up conceiving so quickly. However, it didn't give me a whole lot of time to prepare for pregnancy.

When I first found out I was pregnant, I made a conscious decision to not complain about being pregnant. It had always sort of annoyed me when pregnant people complained because weren't the carrying life? Isn't that a beautiful thing? Aren't they proud of the miracle that God has given them? And also... Didn't they do this to themselves? I mean, you know what causes it... Right?

I decided I wouldn't be one of those women. I would always be aware of the beauty of pregnancy and always be thankful for this miracle inside of me.

So for the first trimester, even though I was exhausted and my breasts were sore and I was puking up grape juice in the bathroom at work, I would always just tell people I felt great, so excited etc.

Second trimester, I didn't have to fib ;) I loved my growing belly, I loved wearing maternity clothes, I loved feeling her kick and twitch and wiggle inside me. I also hadn't really gotten any stretch marks so I thought "yay, I'm going to be one of the lucky ones" (HA!)

Enter: Third Trimester. Whole different ball game. Now I understand why pregnant women complain. In fact, I'm sort of surprised they don't complain MORE. It's no joke. So, for my first time preggo mommy friends that haven't reached this stage yet, I've compiled a list for you. And for the veteran, alumni mommies, maybe you can relate.

1) You will have to pee all the time. Well no, that's not accurate. You'll FEEL like you have to pee all the time. For example, this morning at church I was up on stage ready to sing and all the sudden I thought "oh shoot, I need to go to the bathroom!" I had a few minutes before it was time to start, so I rushed to the bathroom, got situated and... Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not even a little. I guess baby was just using my bladder as a pillow. Precious...

2) Little pleasures in life like breathing and walking become a thing of the past. Now walking through the grocery store causes your feet to swell up like an Oompa Loompa. I dropped my keys on the floor board of my car the other day. After a few seconds of bending down to get them, I could feel my face turning hot and red. I could also see the light of Jesus and I thought "This is it... This is the end. I'm going to suffocate right here in the car". Luckily, my husband was right there to pick the keys up for me, essentially saving the lives of myself and our unborn daughter, all while laughing at my untimely predicament. My hero.

3) Did you know some people sleep for like 7 hours straight? Sometimes more?? I forget it's even possible until I get up in the night for the 6th time to pee (or not to pee. It's really sort of a guessing game, remember?) and I realize my husband has been snoring for the last 7.5 hours... And maybe I try to drop the hand soap on the ground or shut the bathroom door a little too hard because the bitter side of me just wants him to stir in his sleep. Even just a little bit. But of course, he doesn't. It's actually pretty impressive.

4) Remember when I said I was one of the lucky ones that won't get any stretch marks because I didn't have any for a while? Well that was when my stomach didn't look like I was smuggling a water melon. At some point in the 3rd trimester, my skin got very angry at what was going on and decided to show it's true colors. And it's true colors turned out to be pink and squiggly. Despite putting oil and lotion on religiously twice a day, my skin decided it would show me who's boss. In conclusion, guess what I discovered? I'm not one of the lucky ones.

5) Get ready for some compliments. And by compliments, I mean get ready to say "thank you" to the oddest and most offensive things people have ever said to your face. For example, things like "you are MASSIVE" should be accepted with a smile, not a punch to the compliment giver's throat. Things that people would never say to someone in ordinary circumstances are completely ok when you're pregnant. Here are some more examples:

"Your feet are really starting to swell, you must be getting close!"

"Are you sure it's not twins in there? You are huge"

"You're not due for another six weeks?? But you're SO BIG"

"You look exhausted. Like REALLY exhausted. Are you not sleeping well?"

"Oh, I can tell it's a boy because you're carrying in your behind as well" (no actually it's a girl... But thanks)

So anyway... Those are just a few things that come along with the third trimester of pregnancy. I could come up with a few more, but I decided at the beginning I wasn't going to complain... Remember? ;)

Thanks for reading :)

Have a wonderful day.

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